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Community Page

This PUBLIC PAGE is accessible to individuals from inside and outside the community.

Residents of the Community can post information they'd like to share with the community here by contacting the Clubhouse office. These notices are available to anyone that visits the Garth Trails website.

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Scams: What to Avoid

It is very important to always be aware of potential scams in your day-to-day activities.


You may receive phone calls from various companies - including ones that you are a current customer of - that are not actually coming from the actual business. These agents impersonate familiar companies in an effort to get your information, usually by:


  • asking you to click on a specific link they want to send you

  • asking you to provide access to your device (screen control)

  • asking you to phone or text a certain number they will send you

  • asking you to visit a specific website for any reason

  • asking you to provide (or confirm) any personal information.


If at any time you receive an unexpected or unusual call from a familiar company, it is advised to be critical of the information you are being presented with. You should reach out to the company using contact information from a trusted source (such as a previous bill).


If you have been a victim (or a scam was attempted on you), please report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. You can also view more information about other scams that Canadians have reported.  

Community Safety

Here are some tips to consider:


•    Keep your doors and windows locked at all times, including the inside door to your garage.

•    If you don’t have ‘motion-sensing’ or ‘dusk to dawn’ lights, consider leaving your outside lights turned on at night.  

•    Keep your garage door closed at all times – an open door can be viewed as an invitation to enter.

•    If you recently purchased a big-ticket item (like a flat-screen TV or computer), don’t flag that for potential thieves.  Break down the empty boxes so their contents aren’t obvious before putting them out for garbage pick-up.

•    Don’t keep valuables lying around so they could be seen through a door or window.

•    Draw your curtains and close blinds when you’re away so potential burglars can’t window-shop.

•    Rather than hanging your car keys on a hook by the door, keep them within easy reach. If you hear someone in your garage, you can quickly hit the panic button on the key fob to sound your car alarm and scare off an intruder.

•    If you have a spare house key, don’t leave it under a rock or a flowerpot at your entrance. You would be better off to leave it with a neighbour or in an outdoor  lockbox specifically for that purpose.

•    If you are going to be away, ask a neighbour to put out an item of their garbage at your location on pick-up day so would-be thieves don’t know your unit is currently unoccupied.

•    If you are going to be away from home for more than one day and will be leaving your car parked in the driveway, be sure to remove your garage-door opener and any valuables inside first.

•    Be a nosy neighbour. Residents are recommended to be on alert for anything out of the ordinary. If you see something suspicious around a neighbour’s unit, contact that neighbour directly to inquire. If you have concerns, contact Hamilton Police non-emergency at 905-546-4925. If there is a crime in progress or an immediate threat of harm, contact 9-1-1.


Stay vigilant!   Stay safe!

wildlife tips
Wildlife in the Community: Foxes


There have been reports of fox sightings around the community. It's important that residents are mindful and aware of the various wildlife that live in the green spaces that surround this community, as well as to take some precautions to keep yourself and your small pets safe.


Here are some important things to remember to avoid attracting foxes:


  • When a food source is available, they will stay in the area. Therefore, do not leave food out (i.e., dog/cat food, birdseed, garbage). It is important not to feed wildlife

  • This is the time of the year they will be looking for a place to build their den in order to have a litter. Thus, look around your property to make sure there is no place they can enter such as openings (slots/holes) in the raised decks. If you notice any openings, you should block the entrance. 

  • If the fox is being a nuisance, hit pots and pans and they should run away.


Please note: if humans build a relationship with a fox and the fox is captured by the appropriate authorities, the fox can no longer be rehabilitated back to the wild because they lose their fear of humans and they will then have to euthanized.

Please avoid all interactions with foxes.

Wildlife in the Community: Coyotes


There have been reports of coyote sightings around the community. It's important that residents are mindful and aware of the various wildlife that live in the green spaces that surround this community, as well as to take some precautions to keep yourself and your small pets safe.


Here are some precautions you can take to avoid attracting coyotes:


  • avoid letting your small pets outside unattended.

  • avoid walking after dark or in the early morning hours.

  • avoid feeding your pets outside as this can attract wildlife.

  • use a non-retractable leash when walking.

  • attach keys or another noise generating item to your person for your walk so your presence is known.


Here are some tips to keep in mind if you come across a coyote on your walk:


  • never approach or touch a wild animal.

  • do not turn your back or run from a wild animal.

  • back away from the animal while remaining calm.

  • stand tall, wave and clap your hands, and make lots of noise.

  • carry a flashlight at night.

  • consider a personal audible alarm which can deter a coyote.

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